The Law Explained Series
Please Read and Listen to this information first before we start
What I hope to do then is deliver on a promise I have made repeatedly to all of you who have come to read and listen and that is that you can find some practical Relief or Remedy in facing the matters at hand, that itself does not cause injury to the law, rather the restoration of law when you are faced with clear breaches of trust and maladministration of fiduciary agents.
The truth is that we all have lots to learn from one another. The truth is that the restoration of Rule of Law within our everyday societies will require lots of people being prepared to stand up and so there will be lots of differing views as people learn and debate. So, naturally, there will be people, for whatever reason, that have differences. Some of these differences might even come from firsthand experience or frustrations as the model has continued to evolve.
In truth, it is high time that a more mature and level headed approach is adopted within these blogs and the tone of my dialogue with all of you that I no longer seek to pick at the faults of what other people are doing and instead, look to how we might better work together to the common purpose of restoring the application and comprehension of the true Rule of Law within our communities. I hope then that the following series will assist in that healing over time.
Why start with “please read and listen first?”
I will not be launching into the first teaching parts of the series of the Law Explained in this blog. The reason I will not and the reason this blog is entitled “The Law Explained” and “Please Read and Listen to this Information First Before We Start”, is that before any words are expressed as lessons or steps in this series, there are fundamental points we need to consider first, such as:
Q. How much have you already studied using traditional material already? Particularly in addressing Western-Roman Courts, Officials and Institutions?
Q. What are your motives in reading and listening to this series? What do you hope to achieve?
Q. What serious level of commitment are you prepared to apply? Or are you looking for quick and immediate “fixes”?
I assure you, there will be plenty of “quick and immediate” fixes to your present situation that can be considered as we move through the blog series – immediate improvements in the content and approach to affidavits, for example, as well as what NOT to send or write or do in relation to courts. Many of these quick and immediate items can and may have immediate positive results. However, I assure that in all that I have read and have studied across vast libraries of law, I am yet to find a single “magic cure” that solves every problem in every situation for every man or woman instantly and quickly, in the absence of knowledge or competence.
To put it more bluntly, there is no “cure for stupidity” but knowledge; and there is no remedy for incompetency than a firm commitment to self discipline and self-restraint. So if you are one of the many people that have spent thousands of dollars on promised “quick cures”, or acted in a scandalous or vexatious manner, then because of what you have done already, it may take more time to “undo” the damage first. However, if you persist in insane and stupid and undisciplined desperate behaviour in your approach to real legal issues, then there may be no remedy or relief possible from anything I will be saying in this blog series, until you stop such desperate and stupid and self-destructive behaviour.
Similarly, if you approach to learning about law is to find some way to “get rich quick” or to “exact revenge” then the following material is not for you. Yes, it is true that there exist many tricks within the present Roman system that certain people acknowledge within the system can use to gain greater advantage over others and reap riches from such patronage. But this is a heavily guarded and policed and closed system, and not available to those considered outside such patronage. Politicians have access to such tools; and the children of nobility or rich industrialists have access to many of these tools; and certain members of certain fraternities and societies have access to these tools; and certain members of the law guilds have access to these tools. But if you do not belong to one of these groups, you may not have any right or access within the Roman System to write certain writs, or demands or letters or deeds. zthe elite, you may not have the power or authority to access certain tools of law. The very fact that most of those people employed in government and positions of trust do not have the authority to directly access their accounts is borne out of the fact that even some of the most powerful people in Western-Roman Society had to gain their wealth via other means than direct access. So please, I urge you to reconsider such false promises and lies that people keep peddling of instant wealth as it is a lie even to those people within the system; and an impossibility for those who find themselves on the outer.
If, on the other hand, your motive is revenge, or to show off what you think you know, or to somehow be the “one that pulls down the system”, then I urge you to think again. Not only are such emotions and conditions of ego in opposition to the true notion of the Golden Rule of Law, it is a state of mind guaranteed to fail. There are three essential tests that any Roman Court – if it chooses to act responsibly – may apply to any behaviour or instruments or claims before it:
(1) If a party refuses to follow the procedures and forms of the court, or fails to establish the rights that they claim have been wronged, or their associated rights of action, then all such claims can be struck out, in one fell swoop, as being “without merit” and therefore frivolous; and
(2) If a party makes unsubstantiated claims, or personal attacks, or raises controversies beyond the matter at hand, or is rude to the judge or court officials, then all such claims can be struck out, in one effect, as scandalous; and
(3) If a party involves emotions, or implied subjective opinions, or conspiracy, or belligerence, or prejudice in their behavior, then all such claims can be struck out as vexatious.
Because people persistently refuse to listen to reason and take the privately created documents of thousands of people on the internet and file them in their [personal] matters without thinking, approximately 60% of all defenses, or claims by non-attorneys across the planet are being struck out on the argument of being frivolous alone. When you add the notion of scandalous and vexatious to the mix, more than 99% of all the claimed criminal or civil remedies, being filed by hundreds of thousands of people around the world from information on the internet, are failing to even be recorded, much less considered as a defense, or a claim – for being frivolous, for being scandalous, for being vexatious.
In contrast, those that did not fall for such promises and claims and went through with registered solicitors and attorneys or court offered legal assistance faired better on average as the total prosecution rates for criminal matters around the world is high, but still less than 90% and in civil matters is less than 70% success rates for the plaintiff (keeping in mind that a plaintiff in a civil matter always starts with a built-in advantage).
Let me say it another way, so hopefully it gets through: This means that for the millions of dollars that people have donated to the thousands of claimed legal experts on the internet, less than 1 in one hundred people, even get the chance to have their arguments heard. In criminal matters, they would have improved their chances ten times in most cases, if they simply accepted the court appointed attorney, or in civil cases if they simply followed the instructions on the court web sites.
No wonder so many attorneys and lawyers and judges and magistrates continue to shake their heads at why there seems to be so many stupid and gullible and insane people seemingly incapable of using common sense in their matters to find some relief or remedy.
So if your motive is some kind of revenge, or controversy then stop reading and listening now, because not only will you not find what you are looking for in this series on the Law Explained, you have already set yourself up to make matters manifestly worse for yourself.
The only true remedy is proper knowledge.
There is only one genuine remedy in law and it is knowledge – Knowledge of the truth of law – Knowledge of the true concepts of law. So, if you are not prepared to read or think or listen, then you are doomed to fail, one way or another.
Yes, knowledge of law takes time. For some who are facing the imminent threat of danger, there might be the excuse that they do not have the time – they need an answer now. This fear and imminent threat is often part of the sale pitch for material that ends up making issues worse for people, not better.
Yet, the argument that knowledge of the law takes too much time is a bald-faced lie and a complete falsity. In 144 articles, phrases and single sentences are more knowledge of law than you will find in a thousand pages of handouts of seminars. You could spend a hundred thousand dollars in courses and claimed remedies and not find more valuable knowledge.
Let me post it here, so it is clear. This is so valuable and it proves a lie when people tell you they do not have time to learn the law:
The 144 Truths of Law
1. Let all who have ears hear; Lets all who have eyes see;
2. That we here present come to be as One;
3. To honor the true Rule of Law;
4. To protect the Rule of Law and Justice and Due Process;
5. To defend the memory and legacy of our ancestors and founders;
6. And to restore the Rule of Law where it has been taken from us.
7. Therefore, let all who come before the people,
8. And all who seek to engage or transact or bring issue to us,
9. Know then that this be our Creed and our Confession,
10. Whereby we shall resolve any and all controversy of Law,
11. And whereby we shall serve with integrity the needs of our community:
12. There is, there was, there has only ever been One Law.
13. All law is equal that no one is above it,
14. All law is measured that all may learn and know it,
15. All law is standard that it may always be applied the same.
16. A law is a rule that prohibits or permits certain acts.
17. A rule is a norm, bar, maxim, measure or standard.
18. A rule may be derived by instruction, discovery, custom or consent.
19. The highest law is Divine being a rule given by divine instruction,
20. As nothing may contradict such a rule.
21. The second highest law be the reason of Mind,
22. Being an edict given by a great council of wise elders or jurists,
23. As nothing absurd and without good reason may be considered law.
24. The third highest law be the law of the people,
25. As the consent and will of the people is the source of true authority.
26. The weakest rule is that of a tyrant,
27. As any rule without authority or right of heaven but merely by force,
28. Cannot be sustained and the people shall eventually overcome,
29. And render such unjust rule and unjust laws as dust.
30. This be the law of all great civilizations from the beginning of time,
31. And no king or assembly or city has sustained in ignorance to such foundation.
32. These then be the foundations of Rule of Law:
33. All law be spoken as it is the spirit of the word that carries the authority.
34. Therefore all action under law be by word of mouth,
35. And writing be only for memory and trade and never be the law.
36. All are equal under the law,
37. All are accountable and answerable under the law,
38. All are without blemish until proven culpable,
39. Where there is a law there must be a cause,
40. Where there is a law there must be a penalty,
41. Where there is a law there must be a remedy.
42. An action in law cannot proceed without first a cause.
43. An action is not granted to one who is not injured.
44. The action of a valid law can do no harm (injury).
45. An action decided in law must reflect cause of such action.
46. No injury to the law means no valid cause for action by law.
47. No action through law can arise from a fraud before heaven and earth.
48. No action through law can arise in bad faith or prejudice.
49. An act does not make one culpable unless there be intent to do wrong,
50. For no one may suffer punishment by valid law for mere intent.
51. No one is punished for the transgression of an ancestor or another.
52. No one can derive an advantage in law from his own wrong,
53. For what is invalid from the beginning does not become valid over time.
54. No one is accused of the same exact cause twice.
55. No man be a judge over his own matter,
56. Nor a man possess the authority of heaven to be both judge and executioner.
57. No penalty may exist without a valid law.
58. The immediate cause and not the remote cause be the subject of law.
59. These be the foundations of Rule of Law.
60. As to justice it be the maxim that Justice never contradicts the rule of law,
61. For Justice be the lawful right of use of all that has been defined by law,
62. And Justice be the rights to adjudicate the law itself before heaven and earth,
63. And Justice be a judge under sacred oath and trust granted such rights,
64. As a right being a power or authority or privilege or benefit recognized by law.
65. Divine Law is the law that defines the Divine and all creation,
66. And demonstrates the spirit and mind and instruction of the Divine,
67. And the operation of the will of the Divine Creator through existence.
68. Therefore all valid rights and Justice is derived from Divine Law.
69. Natural Law is the law that defines the operation of the will of the Divine,
70. Through the existence of form and sky and earth and physical rules.
71. Thus Natural Law governs the operation of what we can see and name.
72. The laws of People are those rules enacted by men having proper authority,
73. For the good governance of a society under the Rule of Law.
74. The laws of People are always inherited from Natural Law.
75. A law of People cannot abrogate or usurp a Natural Law,
76. Nor is it possible for a Natural Law to usurp Divine Law.
77. These then be the foundations of Justice:
78. All possess the Right to be heard even if such speech be controversial,
79. All possess the Right of free will to choose our actions and destiny,
80. All possess the Right of reason that distinguishes them from lesser animals,
81. All possess the Right to informed consent or withdraw consent,
82. All possess the Right over their body that none may claim our flesh,
83. All possess the Right of our divine self that none may claim our soul.
84. Thus no man can make a blood oath on their flesh or vow on their soul,
85. Nor may any man claim servitude or obligation under such an abomination,
86. For such Rights are granted solely by heaven to all people,
87. And no man or body of jurists have the authority to usurp heaven or the gods.
88. Verily all true authority and power to rule is inherited from heaven,
89. And to only those men in good faith and good character and good conscience,
90. Who then make a sacred oath in trust and form an office,
91. Into which such Divine Rights are conveyed for only so long,
92. As they honor their oath and obligations to serve the people.
93. For whenever a man who makes an oath to form a sacred trust of office,
94. Then breaks such an oath through prejudice or unclean hands or bad faith,
95. Then all such authority and power ceases from them,
96. As the cord between heaven and earth is severed and the trust dissolved.
97. Verily no man may serve the people unless under sacred oath,
98. Nor may any man serve heaven unless under solemn vow.
99. Therefore guard your behaviour and actions of office,
100. That though the heavens appear to fall, let justice always be done.
101. These be the foundations of Justice.
102. As to the administration of Justice these be the foundations of Due Process:
103. No valid action in law proceeds without first a valid cause,
104. And no valid cause exists until such claim is first tested.
105. Thus the birth of all action in law must begin with the claim.
106. If a claim be not proven as a valid cause then the accused has nothing to answer.
107. Yet if the claim be proved to have merit as a cause,
108. Then all valid causes in law must be resolved.
109. Thus, he who first brings the claim must first prove its merit,
110. As the burden of the proof lies upon him who accuses not he who denies.
111. A heavy obligation then on one who first brings the controversy.
112. For one who brings false accusation is the gravest of transgressors,
113. That it injures not one law, but all heaven and all law.
114. Thus a valid claim in part is one in which an accuser makes a complaint,
115. Bringing two witnesses as proof and petitions a forum of law for remedy.
116. If merit of a cause be proved, the one accused must appear to answer.
117. The one accused and any witnesses appear by summons.
118. When anyone be summonsed, he must immediately appear without hesitation.
119. If a man summonsed does not appear or refuses to appear to answer,
120. Then let him be seized by force to come and attend.
121. When anyone who has been summonsed seeks to evade, or attempts to flee,
122. Let the one who summons lay hands on them to prevent their escape.
123. One who flees fair judgment confesses his culpability.
124. The accused cannot be judged until after the accusations be spoken,
125. And then after the accused exercises or declines their three rights to defense,
126. The first being Prolocution and the right to speak as a matter of law,
127. And why the complaint and investigation should not continue,
128. The second being Collocution as to why the complaint and accusation is false,
129. And upon such proof why the burden should now be placed on the accuser,
130. And the third being Adlocution being a final speech in defense,
131. Against a complaint or accusation having been heard.
132. If illness or old age hinder the appearance of the one summonsed,
133. Let the one who made the summons provide a basic means of transport.
134. When men wish to settle their dispute among themselves,
135. Then they shall have the right to make peace.
136. If a dispute cannot be settled before seeking a judge,
137. Then both the accused and the accuser must be granted equal hearing.
138. An accused cannot be found culpable unless three pieces of evidence may be attributed.
139. Judges are bound to explain the reason of their judgment.
140. The setting of the sun shall be the extreme limit of time within,
141. Which a judge must render his decision.
142. These be the foundations of Due Process.
143. These be the foundations of Rule of Law and Justice.
144. Any law that is against such truth, cannot be law.